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About Amanda

Hi! I am a portrait and wildlife artist lucky enough to live in a beautiful harbour town in South Devon. With views of Dartmoor in one direction and the sea in the other, I am lucky to be surrounded by inspiration every day. I am also a freshwater ecologist and spend much of my spare time exploring the coasts and moors with my young family.

I paint in both oils and watercolours, each providing me with a unique way of expressing emotion, depth and a story.

I’ve always been drawn to portrait painting, whether of pets or people. My paintings are dramatic with strong contrasts. That moment when the eyes come to life is incredible, and I feel such a real connection with every pet and person I’ve painted. Portrait painting is incredibly important in my life, and I want to share that joy with others. Thank you for looking at my site, and I would love to paint something special for you x

Contact Amanda

Please get in touch, I respond quickly and am always happy to chat over what you may need.

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